For Facebook the business of the future is female.

Small and medium sized enterprises represent the backbone of the Italian economy and amongst these, one in five (21.8%), is a female enterprise.

Although the role of women in Italy has been widely acknowledged as being a key factor for progress, the gender gap in the labour market still remains too high with respect to the European average: in Italy it is 18.8% compared to the 12.7% of the EU. From a Censis estimate, if Italy managed to reduce the gender gap at the workplace by 25% before 2025 (ILO target), the increase of working women (equal to over 300,000 new employed women) would produce an estimated growth of the Italian GDP of about 2%, that is 33.6 billion euro.

To support female entrepreneurs, Facebook, in collaboration with the no-profit association Fondazione Mondo Digitale, presents #SheMeansBusiness, a global programme to make a concrete contribution to helping female entrepreneurs and those who want to become one.

#SheMeansBusiness. When women achieve success, it is a victory for everybody.

When women are more efficient, the economy is too. This is why Facebook wants to celebrate the women who have founded and manage companies and to offer resources to help those who, one day, may follow in their footsteps.

The #SheMeansBusiness campaign creates a community of female entrepreneurs, allowing them to share advice, to make their business grow and to help other women do the same.

They are the women who represent the business spirit and give a new meaning to the concept of “possible” for the women in the business world.

The next successful entrepreneur could be anybody, even you.
