Work less. And be happier!

While a fifth of Japanese workers seem to be at suicide risk because overworked (it just came out the White Paper based on a survey of over 1700 companies and almost 20 thousand employees, in the period between 2015 and 2016), the annual statistical OECD – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development states that work less, make people happier.

Germany, for example, is the country where people work less in terms of hours per week, compared to the rest of Europe and the world. In addition to Japan and China, among the most workaholics, there are also Colombia (48.3 hours per week), Mexico (44.7) and Costa Rica (43.3). Italy? Our country ranks in mid-table, with an average of 35.4 hours per week in 2014, went down to 33.7.

According to the OECD research, working less also allows you to earn more. Higher remuneration seems to go hand in hand with more reduced and flexible working hours. The Swedes, for example, whereas in their country people work on average 31 hours a week, strongly support the theory according to which (less) work is good for health, lowers stress and increases productivity.

In general, it seems that working three days out of five would be the best way for working to the best of own abilities. Fewer hours, however, means more profit. And we don’t talk just about money! Working less allows you to gain health, well-being and happiness.
In some countries (Ireland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland) this revolution is a reality, when it’s Italy’s turn?
