Is art good for business?
The relationship between art and business is not only possible but also advantageous.
The relationship between art and business is not only possible but also advantageous.
Il rapporto tra arte e azienda è un rapporto non solo possibile ma anche vantaggioso.
Latest generation technologies are revolutionising consumers’ shopping experience, also thanks to the fusion of two worlds that just a few years ago seemed to be at opposite ends of the spectrum: online stores and physical ones.
Le tecnologie di ultima generazione stanno rivoluzionando la shopping experience dei consumatori, grazie anche alla fusione tra due mondi che solo pochi anni fa sembravano in totale antitesi: l’online e i negozi fisici.
What are the professions that in 20 years are likely to be the most widespread in the industrialized countries?
Come sarà il manager del futuro? Dovrà conoscere sempre meglio il business e sapere come valorizzarlo.
The prerogatives of the gig economy: flexibility and contacts in real time.